We're an LGBTIQ+ Voluntary Community Organisation that organises events and social gatherings, primarily in and around the Aylesbury Vale area of Buckinghamshire
in the United Kingdom
We also work with several local stakeholders,
who include
BucksMIND - Bucks HealthWatch
Discover Bucks Museum - The Whiteleaf Centre
The Mandeville Practice - Buckinghamshire Council
Aylesbury Town Council
International Gender and Sexuality Alliance
and others
Come and meet fellow members of YOUR local LGBTIQ+ Community, their friends, families and allies, in a relaxed, safe and socially enhancing atmosphere, at our
- - -
Twice-Monthly LGBT+ Coffee Posse
The Hop Pole Craft Beer & Grill
83 Bicester Road
HP19 9AZ
2nd and 4th Saturday of each Month
between 2:30 pm and 4:30 pm
- - -
or any of our other events that
we organise throughout the year
We also, periodically, have a stall or can be seen supporting other LGBT+ Associations and Support Organisations at several LGBT+ centred events, all over the UK
Please see our Events Page
for Up-to-Date Information and Links
The Vision and Mission Statement of Aylesbury Vale LGBT Social Group shall be to provide LGBTIQA+ events and social gatherings, in the Aylesbury Vale area of Buckinghamshire, UK, in association with a number of local stakeholders.
To meet and service members of the LGBTIQA+ community, their families, friends and allies, in a relaxed, safe and social atmosphere, at our Twice-Monthly Coffee Posses in addition to other events throughout the year.
We are always looking for volunteers to help us make our vision a reality. We'll help you find a way to volunteer that best suits you
We couldn't accomplish our goals without the help of our team of supporters and volunteers.
Thank you for your time, compassion and kind donations that make everything we do a reality This allows us to take positive strides forward in making Buckinghamshire a better, healthier and safer place for members of
YOUR LGBT+ Community
and all who support us in the work that we do!!
We are dedicated to improving the lives of those
in our local LGBTIQ+ Community
Your contribution today helps us make a difference tomorrow!.
We are an entirely self-funded Community Organisation. We receive no Government Funding nor from any other external funding source. Every penny you donate goes partially towards our running costs.
Any surplus then enables us to make periodic donations to other local LGBT+ Community Organisations and Charities who support them.
This year is the 25th Anniversary of the London Nail Bomb Attacks
Please share and support this fundraiser to enable us to continue our important work tackling all forms of hate crime across the UK
17-24-30 #NationalHCAW
The Safer Buckinghamshire Board is a local Community Safety Partnership that brings together experts from the police, fire service, probation, health, and social care services.
The Board develops an annual action plan to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in Buckinghamshire and help keep it a safe place to live and work.
To help develop this plan, we want to hear your views on:
The survey is open to anyone living, studying and / or working in Buckinghamshire and will be open from 11 September 2023 until 23:59pm on 29 October 2023.
The results of the survey will be combined with an analysis of all crimes that happen in the county to help the Safer Bucks Partnership deliver the priorities for the next 12 months.
Take a look at the survey here -
Police and Crime Commissioner for Thames Valley, Matthew Barber has launched a survey inviting views on the support needs of victims to help inform possible options for the future commissioning of services.
Buckinghamshire Hate Crime Forum
Buckinghamshire Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner,
Aylesbury Vale LGBT Social Group
and several other local stakeholders, backed by
Stop Hate UK
We now have a dedicated 24/7 Helpline to support the reporting of Hate Crimes and Hate Incidents
We support individuals affected by sexual assault and abuse to live fulfilling lives regardless of gender, race and sexuality. We do this by providing a safe space and using enabling and empowering approaches
In line with the government guidelines relating to the COVID-19 pandemic we have suspended our face-to-face services
Our telephone helpline remains open and we will continue to respond to all telephone, online and email referrals and queries
Please be reassured that we will use our best endeavours to continue to support those who access our services
AVMKSAASS will continue
to provide
The above are available via telephone and a variety of video and messaging platforms
Helpline: 01296 719772
Email: support@avmksaass.org.uk
Website: www.avmksaass.org.uk
With every £1 you spend on The Rainbow Lottery, 50p comes directly to us so we can continue our vital work, which brings so much happiness to our community.
Plus you get a chance to win up to £25,000 a week!
Aylesbury Vale LGBT Social Group is primarily a
“Community Organisation” and "Social Group"
We are not currently licensed nor are we certified to act as a "Support Group" or any other kind of structured "Support Network"
However, we do have access to a growing number of highly trained professionals and registered support organisations to whom we can provide contact details for you to gain access, who will be in a better position to offer the level of support you may need
Alternatively, if required, we can undertake any necessary referrals on your behalf
Thank You for Your Kind Understanding
Copyright © 2021 Aylesbury Vale LGBT Social Group
TRADEMARKS™ "LGBT Coffee Posse" and
"LGBT+ Friends and Families HUB" ARE THE LEGAL
property of the Aylesbury Vale LGBT Social Group
All Rights Reserved
Email: webmaster@aylesburyvalelgbt.co.uk
Last updated: 14/11/2024
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